The Turning of the
Leaves - by Nicked |
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty) |
Type |
Location & notes |
Value |
North Forest |
Silver Nugget |
By pool in the NE. |
50 |
Statue |
On floor in basement behind hut. |
15 |
Bottle of Fine Wine |
On table in basement behind hut. |
50 |
Gold Vase |
On altar in secret tomb below hut basement. |
100 |
Purse |
On corpse close to cave entrance. |
100 |
Dagger |
On corpse close to cave entrance. |
30 |
Pile of Coins |
In locked footlocker in caves. |
85 |
Purse |
Among skeletal remains in forest just north of hideout. |
100 |
Thieves' Hideout |
Glasses |
In pickable footlocker on top floor of ruins to the east of
hideout entrance. |
50 |
Ring |
Among debris in broken wall east of courtyard. |
100 |
Gold Candlestick |
On mantelpiece of top floor. |
50 |
Artifact |
On crate in first basement room. |
20 |
Rug |
On floor in first basement room. |
150 |
Artifact x 2 |
On floor in first basement room. |
40 |
Mask |
On floor in first basement room. |
50 |
Goblet x 2 |
On bar counter. |
30 |
Bottle of Fine Wine |
In wine cellar. |
50 |
Purse |
On rafter in bathroom to the N. (Secret) |
100 |
Coin Pair |
In toilet hole in N bathroom. |
20 |
Stack of Gold Coins |
In barracks footlocker. |
25 |
Stack of Copper Coins |
In barracks money box. |
5 |
Blue Gem |
Under counter in Yaren's workshop. |
15 |
Tiara |
In footlocker in storeroom. |
125 |
Stack of Copper Coins |
In footlocker in storeroom. |
5 |
Blue Vase |
In open crate in storeroom. |
100 |
Bottle of Fine Wine x 2 |
In open crate in storeroom. |
100 |
Goblet |
In open crate in storeroom. |
15 |
Stack of Silver Coins |
In footlocker in storeroom. |
12 |
Statue |
Behind crate in storeroom. |
15 |
Coin Pair |
On table in guard post. |
20 |
Stack of Silver Coins x 2 |
By bed in bedroom to the east. |
24 |
Dagger |
In hidden chamber in east bedroom. |
45 |
Stack of Silver Coins |
On desk in Margot's room. |
12 |
Stack of Gold Coins |
On desk in Margot's room. |
25 |
Necklace |
On Margot's nighstand. |
100 |
Gold Candlestick |
On Margot's nighstand. |
50 |
Stack of Gold Coins x 2 |
In Margot's safe. |
50 |
Silver Nugget |
In armory. |
50 |
Gold Plate |
In kitchen sink. |
50 |
Plate |
In pantry. |
10 |
Goblet |
In pantry. |
15 |
Hammer |
Behind banner in machine room. (Secret) |
75 |
Central Forest |
Coin Pair |
In windowsill upstairs in cabin. |
20 |
Stack of Copper Coins |
On nightstand upstairs in cabin. |
5 |
Stack of Silver Coins |
On nightstand upstairs in cabin. |
12 |
Statue x 2 |
On mantelpiece downstairs in cabin. |
30 |
Silver Flute |
In chest downstairs in cabin. |
50 |
Silver Nugget |
In corner of cabin basement. |
50 |
Purse |
In locked chest in cabin basement. |
100 |
Hammer |
On desk in cabin basement. |
75 |
Hammer |
In tree stump just southeast of cabin. |
75 |
Crystal Shard |
In dead end portion to the far east, on ground by statue. |
25 |
Stack of Gold Coins |
In box on top floor of old tower. |
25 |
Necklace |
In locked chest on lower floor of old tower. |
200 |
Catacombs |
Blue Vase |
On ground by center casket. |
50 |
Gold Plate |
On NE casket. |
50 |
Gold Vase |
On NW casket. |
100 |
Green Vase |
Behind SW casket. |
50 |
Gold Hammer x 2 |
In secret tomb to the S. |
200 |
Temple |
Gear |
In toolbox just north of temple. |
50 |
Purse |
Among debris SW of temple. |
100 |
Gems x 4 |
On pedestals downstairs. |
240 |
Pile of Coins |
In chest in secret chamber to the SW. |
85 |
Ring |
In chest in downstairs room with stairs. |
100 |
Coin Pair x 3 |
In trays by statues upstairs. |
60 |
Purse |
By skeleton in grassy room upstairs. |
100 |
Coin Pair x 2 |
By skeleton in grassy room upstairs. |
40 |
Diamond |
Under south statue upstairs. (Secret) |
150 |
Gold Nugget |
In stonehenge to the SE of temple. |
100 |
Church |
Statue |
On floor. |
15 |
Purse |
On ground on north side of building. |
100 |
Village |
Ring |
In locked chest in water. |
100 |
Ring |
In footlocker in NW hut. |
100 |
Stack of Gold Coins |
In windowsill in NW hut. |
25 |
Coin Pair |
In NE hut. |
20 |
Goblet |
In central hut. |
15 |
Statue |
In W hut. |
15 |
Hammer |
In SW hut. |
45 |
Total: |
4710 |
gold |
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty) |
Type |
Location & notes |
North Forest |
Bonewheel Mushroom |
By pool in the NE. |
Hut Key |
In windowsill on the backside of hut. |
Waterlogged Note |
On front porch of hut. |
Frying Pan |
In hut, by fireplace. Objective! |
Broadhead Arrow x 12 |
In footlocker upstairs in hut. Objective! |
Sword |
In hut, on wall upstairs. Objective! |
Moss Arrow x 2 |
On altar in secret tomb below hut basement. |
Magefire Aster |
In secret tomb below hut basement. |
Flameburst Plumeria |
In secret tomb below hut basement. |
Swamp Narcissus |
In secret tomb below hut basement. |
Turquoise Begonia |
In secret tomb below hut basement. |
Trickster's Pansy |
In secret tomb below hut basement. |
Caveheart Amaryllis |
In secret tomb below hut basement. |
Turquoise Begonia x 2 |
By stream to the east. |
Turquoise Begonia x 2 |
By stream to the west. |
Water Arrow x 4 |
By waterfall to the east. |
Bonewheel Mushroom |
By stream to the west. |
Magefire Aster x 2 |
By cabin in the SW. |
Trickster's Pansy |
To the NW of cabin in the south. |
Caveheart Amaryllis |
By N cave entrance. |
Water Arrow |
In cave ceiling close to SE exit. |
Thieves' Hideout |
Trickster's Pansy |
In alcove in hideout courtyard. |
Hideout Key |
On patrolling thief in hideout courtyard. (1) |
Hideout Key |
In toolbox in alley behind hideout. |
Trickster's Pansy |
In forest just north of hideout. |
Cheese x 2 |
In wine cellar. |
Flare x 2 |
In barracks toolbox. |
Loaf x 2 |
On barracks table. |
Cheese |
On barracks table. |
Yaren's Key |
In barracks footlocker. |
Flash Bomb |
In barracks footlocker. |
Lockpicks |
In Yaren's workshop. Objective! |
Note to Yaren |
In Yaren's workshop. |
Mine |
In footlocker in Yaren's workshop. |
Cheese |
On Margot's desk. |
Apple |
On Margot's nightstand. |
Lord Torridge's Chalice |
In Margot's safe. Objective! |
Armoury Key |
In Margot's safe. |
Mine |
In armory. |
Flash Mine |
In armory. |
Flare x 2 |
In armory. |
Broadhead Arrow x 8 |
In armory. |
Moss Arrow |
In armory. |
Water Arrow |
In armory. |
Gas Arrow |
In armory. |
Broadhead Arrow x 2 |
In target in training room. |
Instruction Manual |
In machine room. |
Empty Vial (crate) |
In machine room. |
Metal Framework (crate) |
In machine room. |
Mechanical Trigger (crate) |
In machine room. |
Firelighters |
Created in machine room. |
Wolfsbane Grenade |
Created in machine room. |
Deer Leg |
On kitchen counter. |
Flint and Steel |
In pantry. |
Emberglow Crystal |
On bed in east bedroom. |
Central Forest |
Caveheart Amaryllis |
By north cave exit. |
Flameburst Plumeria |
On cabin porch to the north. |
Trickster's Pansy |
On cabin porch to the north. |
Magefire Aster |
On cabin porch to the north. |
Fire Arrow |
In cabin fireplace. |
Broadhead Arrow x 6 |
Quiver inside cabin entrance. |
Firewood |
In cabin basement. |
Bolt Cutters |
In cabin basement. |
Moss Arrow x 2 |
On desk in cabin basement. |
Magefire Aster x 2 |
Close to four-way junction in the SE. |
Trickster's Pansy |
Close to four-way junction in the SE. |
Caveheart Amaryllis x 2 |
By cave entrance in the SE. |
Magefire Aster |
On ledge just south of cabin. |
Magefire Aster |
In far SE corner of map. |
Magefire Aster |
By entrance to ruins. |
Flameburst Plumeria |
By entrance to ruins. |
Catacombs |
Coffinrot Fungus x 5 |
On ground by caskets. |
Water Arrow |
In old font to the S. |
Holy Water Vial |
By old font to the S. |
Temple |
Holy Water Vial |
In skeleton's hand in upstairs courtyard. |
Bonewheel Mushroom x 2 |
In upstairs courtyard. |
Water Arrow x 2 |
In downstairs pool. |
Bloodroot |
By big root downstairs. |
Lunar Dahlia x 3 |
Outside temple to the SE. |
Idol of Blood |
In lower dungeon. Objective! |
Church |
Turqoise Begonia |
On floor. |
Shack Key |
On pulpit. |
Flameburst Plumeria x 2 |
On south side of building. |
Village |
Swamp Narcissus |
In water to the far south. |
Swamp Narcissus x 3 |
In water surrounding huts. |
Water Arrow x 2 |
In water surrounding huts. |
Apple |
On chair in NW hut. |
Caveheart Amaryllis |
On chair in NW hut. |
Cultist Wand |
In NE hut. |
Tricster's Pansy |
In NE hut. |
Healing Potion |
In central hut. |
Flash Bomb |
In footlocker in W hut. |
Ritual Instructions |
In SE hut. |
Dewdrop |
In SE hut. |
Grand Total |
Loot: |
4710 out of 4710 |
Pickpockets: |
1 out of 1 |
Secrets: |
7 out of 7 |
Secrets: |
Secret 1 |
Hidden floor panel in basement behind hut in north forest. |
Secret 2 |
Hidden tomb behind banner in catacombs. |
Secret 3 |
Purse on bathroom rafter in thieves' hideout. |
Secret 4 |
Switch by floor in east bedroom in hideout. |
Secret 5 |
Frob skull's jaw in SW room downstairs in temple. |
Secret 6 |
Pull lever on north statue upstairs in temple. |
Secret 7 |
Pull lever in hideout machine room to reveal loot. |
Bonus Objective |
Use wolfsbane grenade on beast in cabin basement. |
Bonus Objective |
When mapping out the entire forest. |
Bonus Objective |
If using the firewood, firestarters, and flint & steel in
hut at start. |
Readables: |
Note by corpse in spider
caves. |
upstairs in cabin in south forest. |
Letter in guard post in
hideout. |
in east bedroom in hideout. Objective! |
and article clipping in Margot's bedroom. |
in hideout armory. Objective! |
Notice in hideout training
room. |
notices in hideout kitchen. Objective! |
Letter under bench in church. |
Lockpicks: |
to storm cellar behind hut in north forest. |
with loot in spider cave. |
on upper floor of ruins east of hideout entrance. |
to storeroom in thieves' hideout. |
Chest with loot in old ruins. |
Double doors to temple. |
in water by hut village to the south. |
Door to SW hut in village. |
Chest with loot in temple. |
Chest with loot in cabin. |
Conversations: |
Thieves in hideout basement. |
in hideout barracks. Triggers optional objective. |