






This is my favorite mission of the campaign by quite some distance. The first three maps were all enjoyable, but this is on a different level. The design of the thieves’ compound is very unique and highly challenging. The underground puzzles are among the best I’ve ever seen. StinkyKitty really outdid himself with this series finale and gets cemented as one of the best mission authors our community has seen.



I had to break into the old keeper compound and obtain four keys from a group of mercenaries. These keys gained entry to a set of keeper vaults, which I had to access. I also had to grab 1,000 worth of loot, before leaving across the property walls.


Getting Keys

Two of the keys were on the ground floor, and the only feasible way in there was plunging into the cistern. Nobody heard the drop and the first key was right there. The fire key was in the foyer fireplace. Two stationary archers were in lookouts on the floor above, but neither of them covered the middle of the room if I stayed crouched (left image below). Two other thieves patrolled through this room, but they both went the same direction. The archer patrolled faster than the swordsman, so I could wait until he had almost caught up and make my move. I listened for the door to close so I knew they were outside, then I had to douse the flames for the fire key to spawn. I know this technically was a Supreme bust, but I think it should be excused. After all, it’s not like I doused the torch in order not to get seen stealing the key. Instead, by design the key doesn’t even exist in the game until the flames are out. The objective also explicitly says to get the key. Doesn’t that imply to first make it appear in game? I compare to the objective of kidnapping Cavador in Kidnap. The ghosting community very easily agreed that since the engine doesn’t even make this possible without first blackjacking him, the knockout and damage dealt were both excused. I argue the same thing to be the case here. Objectives should prevail, to me that’s the spirit of all modes.




Realized I couldn’t climb to the upper floors from here. I could grab some loot and pick a few pockets, but I was stopped by three thieves in a conversation in a foyer two floors up. Two of them left, but the third kept standing, covering the well-lit room comprehensively. So I backtracked and left via the northern main entrance and reentered in the back.


I deliberately waited with triggering the aforementioned conversation, as it altered the location of two of the involved thieves. I thus cleaned the southeastern barracks and tower first. No problem until I got to the roof. A purse on a thief by a telescope was hard to reach without an alert from a second thief nearby. I had to slowly creep along the ledge to his right to avoid the comment (right image above). It can be tough getting onto the silent edge without a speed enhancement, but using crouch-creep did the trick. In order to get to the roof from here, I fastened a rope in the northeast corner of the tower ceiling. Then I could safely jump onto the rope from behind the thief alert free. The tower’s roof was nice and dark.


Got the air key using a moss arrow easily enough, then dropped into the eastern attic. Had to skip three pieces of loot behind a banner here (left image below). I didn’t find a way to obtain them from either side or without cutting the banner. They simply wouldn’t highlight unless the banner was gone. I dropped further into the leader’s chambers and got the last keeper key.




I couldn’t leave this room through the door, so I had to use a nearby window into the adjacent lookout (right image above). I absolutely loved that so many of the windows could be opened and quietly utilized. This is one of the best missions I have ever seen designed for stealth, while clearly not being made with the Ghost rules in mind. Brilliant.


On a floor below this I thought there was another loot item I’d have to skip behind a banner. This would’ve put me below the loot goal of 1,000, so I’m happy I found I could grab it from the staircase, almost directly from the side (left image below).


Keeper Vaults

No further issues until entering the vaults. I could only close two of the four doors at the elevator chute. Unfortunately, one of the two that couldn’t be closed was right by a transparent window, and any patrolling guard passing by outside would first alert to it being open. I suspect these door not being closeable is an oversight from the author, as they both highlighted like normal, but still didn’t close.


The elemental chambers were ingeniously designed. Depending on which door I used in order to take the elevator down, a different chamber would open up first. Then I had to pass each chamber in succession. The fire chamber forced traps to be triggered, which was a Supreme bust. But I could pass it without getting hurt and without alerting anybody else. The air chamber had statues that acted like normal AI. They didn’t have first alerts, but they could both see and hear me. Luckily, there were shadow lines laid out on the floor (right image below). I wanted this chamber to be the last one, otherwise it would lead to a statue spotting me as I entered the fire chamber. That’s why I instead had started with the fire chamber, in order to end here. The riddle room also gave different clues depending on which chamber I had started with. Amazing!




After this I reached what I call the sanctuary. I had to remove large vases from atop pedestals in order to open the doors. The vases could be returned, but they didn’t push back down the pedestals. I could, however, lock the doors manually. Another trap caused another Supreme bust here.


I didn’t count the spring loaded ramps as traps. One of the keeper journals even talked about them being the intended way of traversing the maze. In one room a door opened, sending a statue towards me. This wasn’t a live statue, but it could be counted as a trap. I could instead jump over the gap in a different location to avoid this whole scenario. Towards the end of this section, however, I unfortunately had to break a window. I could get up on the ledge without it breaking, but I couldn’t push through without applying force. This was property damage and a forced Ghost bust. Sad, but true. The fourth and final glyph was behind a live statue in the staff room (left image below). I could slowly sneak up and frob it unseen. Then snuck out quietly after grabbing the staff. Had to remove a light source in order to open the door back into the abbey. However, this also lit up the nearby torch and interestingly, if I put this back out (required for Supreme), the keeper statue reignited (right image below). The door was left open though, but I wish it could’ve been locked up manually like the sanctuary doors below.




Back In the Abbey

A bunch more thieves had spawned throughout the compound. Most importantly, the leader had returned and was in his chambers on the fourth floor. He had a purse worth 120. This was necessary to take to reach the loot goal. It couldn’t be taken from inside his quarters, so I had to grab it from outside the window. It was difficult to find a reliable method to do so, as the roof was slick tile. I found if I crouch-ran up about halfway, sometimes I didn’t make noise, and I could quickly lean in and steal the loot (left image below).


I wasn’t able to get all the pickpockets for Supreme. The newly spawned archer on the roof was tough, but his potion was possible to reach (right image below). The one I had to skip was a guard by the southern entrance. He heard the door opening, and nobody used that entry. I could enter through the top floor window and descend the stairs like before, but I couldn’t get back out of the window unseen. The aforementioned rooftop archer saw me. For regular Ghost, it was no problem to get them all.






Time: 1:03:25

Loot: 1073 out of 1293

Pickpockets: 16 out of 16

Locks Picked: None

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: 2 Water Arrows & 1 Moss Arrow

Ghost: Failed!

Perfect Thief: Failed!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!



-          Had to douse the fireplace in the ground floor foyer in order to spawn the required Fire Key. Supreme bust, although I think it should be excused due to the objective.

-          Had to skip three pieces of loot worth 220 behind a banner in the eastern attic. Slashing the banner is property damage and not allowed for any mode.

-          Got first alerts from outside guards leaving the water door open when entering the keeper vaults. Supreme busts.

-          Triggered traps in the fire chamber in the vaults. More Supreme busts.

-          Triggered fireball traps when entering the keeper sanctuary. More Supreme busts.

-          Had to break a window in order to reach the staff chamber in the inner vaults. Inevitable Ghost bust.

-          Had to remove a light source in order to reenter the abbey. This was a Supreme bust, although the flame was reignited.