PATRIOT, Mission 9: Enemy  -  by Zontik
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Bottle of Fine Wine x 2 On shelf in wine cellar. 100
Coin Pair Given by George in control room. 20
Drill Bit In toolbox at bottom of elevator service shaft. Access from above. 100
Torc At bottom of tower elevator shaft. 350
1st Floor, Lower
Spice Bag In kitchen office. 25
Silverware In kitchen. 50
Silverware In kitchen bath. 50
Purple Vase In hall. 100
Statue In W sitting room. 50
Gold Goblet x 2 In W library. 50
Mech Statue Above door in temple. 15
Candlestick x 2 In secret safe in temple. 200
Mask x 2 In NW gallery. 40
Crown In NW gallery. 70
Necklace In NW gallery. 200
Relic In NW gallery, after explosion. 100
Purse In bookshelf in valet's room. 100
Glasses On lamp pedestal in library. 50
Quill Pen On desk in library. 50
Glasses x 3 On table in theatre. 60
Coin Pair In prompter's booth under stage. 20
Rug In art wing storage closet. 90
Painting In art gallery. Turn off power first! 200
Gold Plate x 2 On table in great hall. 100
Goblet In count's apartment. 50
Bottle of Fine Wine In count's apartment. 50
Gold Plate In count's apartment. 50
1st Floor, Upper
Stack of Gold Coins In footlocker in NE barracks bedroom. 25
Coin Pair In NW barracks bedroom. 20
Stack of Gold Coins In footlocker in N barracks bedroom. 25
Purse In safe in palace guard's quarters. 100
Plate x 2 In living room by servants' quarters. 20
Stack of Silver Coins In footlocker in NE servant's bedroom. 5
Stack of Gold Coins In footlocker in N servants' bedroom. 25
Bottle of Fine Wine In control room above stage. 50
Quill Pen In hidden study on upper level of library, W end. 50
2nd Floor, Family Wing
Plate In sitting room S of foyer staircase. 10
Mask x 2 On wall in S hallway. 100
Statue x 2 In central hallway. 30
Goblet Under table on E balcony. 15
Plate x 2 On wall in NE hallway. 20
Ring On floor by blood stain in child's playroom. 100
Ring On nightstand in tower. 100
2nd Floor, Guest Wing
Mask On wall in room W of guest apartments. 25
Purse On woman in N guest apt. (7) 100
Plate On wall in N guest apt. 10
Ring In bathroom in N guest apt. 100
Purse On nobleman in bar. (10) 100
Gold Goblet On tray in small room SW of bar. 25
Bottle of Fine Wine On tray in small room SW of bar. 50
Green Vase On table in foyer. 50
Statue On wall above door to control room overlooking great hall. 15
Scale In hospital. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine In ballroom. 50
Plate In hall S of game room. 10
Purse On gambler in game room. (8) 100
Coin Pair x 2 On gambling tables in game room. 40
Green Vase On table in great hall. 35
Purse On bookcase in royal apts, NE room. 100
Gold Plate x 2 In dining room in royal apts. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine In S bedroom in royal apts. 50
3rd Floor
Pair of Dice In bookshelf in count's office. 50
Drill Bit In open crate. 100
Gold Plate In chest in SW corner of family wing. 50
Candlestick In chest in NW corner of family wing. 50
SW House
Flute On table in ground floor ballroom. 100
Green Vase On ground floor mantelpiece. 35
Plate x 2 On wall in ground floor dressing room. 20
Total: 4500 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On patrolling archer. (1)
Broadhead Arrow x 6 On stationary archers. (2-3)
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On patrolling archer on E walkway. (4)
Gas Arrow In vent shaft by storage room in the W.
Fuel Can In storage accessible from engine room.
Moss Arrow x 2 On logs in coal room.
Gas Arrow In meat locker.
Apple x 2 In pantry.
Carrots x 7 In pantry.
Water Arrow x 2 In fountains in bath.
Moss Arrow x 2 In ceiling of wine cellar.
Moss Arrow In pump room.
Moss Arrow Behind torture device in prison.
Ring In dungeon torture device.
Water Arrow In shower by pool after giving George bad water.
1st Floor, Lower
Carrots In kitchen.
Water Arrow In kitchen bath.
Note to Jake In workshop storage room.
Water Arrow In tub in wash room.
Water Arrow In conservatory fountain.
Water Arrow In conservatory storage room.
Moss Arrow x 2 At base of trees in conservatory.
Noisemaker Arrow In W sitting room.
Flare x 2 In valet's room.
Valet's Keys In valet's room.
Scribe's Petition Scroll on desk in library.
Pump Room Key In cubby in stage backdrop.
Angie's Note In cubby in stage backdrop.
Mine x 2 In toolbox in stage supply room.
Flash Bomb In barracks E of hall.
Phoenix Ashes Behind painting in art gallery. Only if having taken alchemist book from mission 8!
Apple x 3 On table in great hall.
Fire Arrow In fireplace in great hall.
Apple On table in tower.
1st Floor, Upper
Secret Passages and Dungeons On desk in library, scribe department.
Flash Bomb x 2 In footlocker in southernmost barracks.
Scribe's Key In closet door in E servant's bedroom.
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On archer in W foyer. (5)
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On stationary archer outside S barracks. (9)
Flare x 2 On shelf in control room above stage.
Mine On shelf in control room above stage.
Invisibility Potion In hidden study on upper level of library, W end.
2nd Floor, Family Wing
Apple x 3 In tower.
Healing Potion In tower.
Slow-fall Potion In tower bathroom.
2nd Floor, Guest Wing
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On archer overlooking main hall. (6)
Healing Potion In bath of S guest apt.
Lady Fauls' Letter Behind wardrobe in SE guest apt.
Attic Key In letter behind wardrobe in SE guest apt.
Flare x 4 In toolbox in pool pump room.
Water Arrow Under tub in bathroom of E guest apt.
Water Arrow x 2 In pool.
Healing Potion In bookshelf in hospital.
Hospital Key On inside of door in hospital.
Flare x 3 In toolbox in machine room overlooking great hall.
Apple In dining room in royal apts.
3rd Floor
Appendix B Under stack of books in count's side office. Objective!
Rope Arrow In chest.
Moss Arrow x 5 Hanging from beams and ceiling.
SW House
Healing Potion On floor in ground floor dressing room.
Key to Citadel On desk in hidden child's room. Objective!
SECRET LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Secret 1 Switches connecting gallery, valet's room and hallway.
Secret 2 Twist chandelier in art room until power goes off.
Secret 3 Switch in E bookcase on library upper floor.
Secret 4 Frobbable book in central pillar of hidden underground library.
Secret 5 Drill bit in crate in attic.
Secret 6 Switch in windowframe in SW room in 2nd floor guest wing.
Secret 7 Use ceiling panel to access hospital.
Secret 8 Switch behind bookcase in tower, 3rd floor.
Secret 9 Drill bit at bottom of basement elevator service shaft.
Secret 10 Torc at bottom of basement elevator.
Secret 11 Switch under staircase in hidden passageway from library reveals royal apts.
Secret 12 Switch on pew in temple opens safe.
Secret 13 Find Lady Fauls' letter in SE guest room.
Secret 14 Switch under SW railing in library reveals study.
Secret 15 Switch on wall in living room to the far W, first floor.
Secret 16 Switch on wall in dressing room of SW house reveals child's room.
Bonus Objective Put Lady Fauls' ring and letter in temple safe.
Grand Total
Loot: 4500 out of 4500
Pickpockets: 10 out of 10
Secrets: 16 out of 16
Letter about turbines in basement engine room.
Scroll in workshop.
Letter outside library scribe department.
Notice outside palace guard's quarters.
Scroll and book in palace guard's quarters.
Scroll and crumpled paper in SE servant's bedroom.
Letter in E servant's bedroom.
Scroll and crumpled paper in basement pump room.
Letter in secret underground library.
Crumpled paper in prison.
Letter in hospital.
Hidden journal in 3rd floor of tower.
Scroll on desk in count's office.
Book in bookcase in royal apartments.
Note on wheelchair after murder.
Door from front yard to SW hallway.
Door from library to N courtyard.
Door to palace guard's.
Safe in palace guard's quarters.
Door from hallway to sitting room W on 2nd floor. Respond to valet's keys.
Door from ballet room to W hallway on 2nd floor. Responds to valet's keys.
Door from NW bedroom to hallway on 2nd floor. Responds to valet's keys.
Door to room W of guest apt on 2nd floor. Responds to valet's keys.