The Black Parade - Mission 6: Kept Away From View Although
this is a good mission, in my opinion it doesn’t reach the heights of the
previous three; not even close. Lower Sootchime is very well made and exudes a
brilliant industrial vibe, but leaves more to be desired since you can’t
enter many of the buildings. The keeper sanctuary is equally gorgeous, but its
gameplay feels a bit basic. The visual aspects and the enemies in the
restricted library make up for some of those limitations, but not enough to
save this from being in the bottom tier for this campaign. At
first, I had to follow the keeper to their hideout and find 1,600 worth of
loot. Once in the sanctuary, I were to steal the harp mentioned in The Brand,
as well as a book called Azaran the Cruel. This
mission was very easy to ghost. Every semi-difficult room always had
convenient shadows and/or patrolling enemies. Those you can always wait out
until they leave. Stationary ones are much harder to deal with. Aboveground,
the only area worth mentioning was in the underground foundry (left image
below). There was a purse on some boxes close to the molten rock. Not much
shade and two patrolling workers made it somewhat tough, but nothing that
requires detailed description.
keeper hideout I thought would be a lot tougher, but it wasn’t. In fact,
although there were tight patrols and tiled floors, there was even more
shade. Pretty much every room had dark corners, easy to observe from. The
keepers also didn’t live up to their reputation and weren’t particularly
vigilant. The only tricky spot came outside the reliquary. A secret glyph in
the ceiling could only be reached with a rope arrow, and dropping to the tile
made a lot of noise and usually spawned a first alert. I simply hopped to the
statue and reshot the rope into a lower area of the wall, where I could reach
it from ground level (right image above). Statistics: Time:
1:41:05 Loot:
3145 out of 3145 Pickpockets:
7 out of 7 Locks
Picked: 7 Damage
Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0 Consumables:
None Ghost:
Success! Perfect
Thief: Success! Supreme
Thief: Success! Perfect
Supreme Thief: Success! |