Heist Society  -  by AsyluM
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Ground Floor
Statue x 3 In hallway W of chapel. 45
Gold Candlestick On chapel pulpit. 50
Silver Bowl On chapel pulpit. 10
Stack of Gold Coins In pickable box by bed in servants' quarters. 25
Stack of Copper Coins In pickable footlocker in servants' quarters. 5
Stack of Copper Coins x 2 On table in servants' quarters. 10
Purple Vase On ledge by fireplace in servants' living area. 30
Purse In bedroom in the far SE. 40
Plate x 4 On wall in theatre. 40
Mask x 2 On wall in theatre. 100
Purse In foyer S of main hall. 30
Goblet x 2 In sitting room W of main hall. 30
Vase On pedestal in display room W of main hall. 75
Plate x 6 In gallery. 60
Gem x 5 In gallery. Objective! 345
Gold Candlestick x 3 In dining hall. 150
Pile of Coins On table in NW library. 31
Vase In secret room off hallway S of theatre. 75
Stack of Copper Coins x 4 In secret room off hallway S of theatre. 20
Stack of Gold Coins x 2 In secret room off hallway S of theatre. 50
Stack of Silver Coins In secret room off hallway S of theatre. 12
Gold Goblet On table by dumbwaiter. 25
Spice Bag On kitchen table. 25
Gold Goblet On kitchen counter. 25
Gold Plate On kitchen counter. 40
Bottle of Fine Wine x 4 In secret wine cellar. 145
Stack of Copper Coins x 3 On table by gate. 15
Stack of Silver Coins On table by gate. 12
First Floor
Plate x 2 In dining room. 20
Bottle of Fine Wine In dining room. 50
Purse In office to the NW. 48
Gold Vase In locked sitting room above theatre in the NE. 100
Pair of Dice In locked sitting room above theatre in the NE. 50
Stack of Copper Coins x 4 In locked sitting room above theatre in the NE. 20
Stack of Silver Coins In locked sitting room above theatre in the NE. 12
Stack of Gold Coins In locked sitting room above theatre in the NE. 25
Purse In box behind counter in game room. 30
Pile of Coins On gambling table in game room. 45
Bottle of Fine Wine On shelf behind game room counter. 35
Stack of Silver Coins In pickable footlocker N in barracks. 12
Statue On table in locked bedroom to the E. 15
Gold Vase On mantelpiece in Horath's bedroom. 100
Gold Nugget In kill pit beneath Horath's bedroom. 50
Statue x 2 On mantelpiece in SW bedroom. 30
Green Vase In W hallway with watcher. 30
Necklace In W bedroom. 90
Gold Vase In SW hallway above sitting room. 100
Vase In hidden room in SW gallery. 75
Plate x 4 On mantelpiece in main hall, top level. 40
Vase On mantelpiece in main hall, top level. 75
Vase On table in hallway to the E. 60
Vase On table on balcony overlooking chapel to the E. 75
Spectacles On library desk in the NW. 35
Pile of Coins In locked bedroom S of dining hall. 18
Vase In locked bedroom S of dining hall. 75
Second Floor
Statue On mantelpiece in library. 15
Pile of Coins On library desk. 26
Bottle of Fine Wine By fireplace in bedroom. 50
Gold Goblet By fireplace in bedroom. 25
Vase On bedroom mantelpiece. 75
Blue Vase On ledge above bed in bedroom. 30
Goblet In bathroom. 15
Ring In bathroom. 100
Library Basement
Statue In first bedroom. 15
Stack of Copper Coins x 3 15
Stack of Silver Coins x 2 24
Stack of Gold Coins 25
Statue In chest. 15
Vase In pickable chest. 75
Total: 3340 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Water Arrow In bucket in N staircase.
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer by N staircase. (1)
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer in courtyard. (2)
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On patrolling archer in the W. (3)
Gas Arrow In W gardens.
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer in the SW. (4)
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer in the S. (5)
Ground Floor
Moss Arrow x 2 In SE garden.
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer in hallway E of chapel. (6)
Housekeep Key On archer in hallway E of chapel. (7)
Loaf In servants' mess hall.
Loaf In servants' kitchen.
Moss Arrow On ground behind grate in servants' quarters.
Loaf In footlocker in servants' quarters.
Scroll On table in servants' quarters.
Loaf In bedroom in the far SE.
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer in living area. (8)
Water Arrow x 2 In swimming pool.
Cheese In sitting room W of main hall.
Loaf In sitting room W of main hall.
Water Arrow In closet in S part of ballroom.
Loaf x 2 In dining hall.
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On archer in NW library. (13)
Gellard's Diary In secret room off hallway S of theatre. Objective!
Victrola Record In secret room off hallway S of theatre. Objective!
Housekeep Key On servant. (9)
Loaf x 2 On kitchen table.
Apple On kitchen table.
Loaf x 2 In kitchen cabinet.
Cheese In kitchen cabinet.
Carrots x 2 In kitchen cabinet.
Cheese On kitchen counter.
Cucumber x 2 In pantry.
Scroll On table by gate.
First Floor
Apple x 3 In dining room.
Cucumber In dining room.
Loaf In dining room.
Water Arrow x 2 In footlocker under NW staircase.
Security Key On stationary guard in NW office. (10)
Apple On table in barracks.
Cheese On table in barracks.
Broadhead Arrow x 5 In shooting range to the E.
Carrots In footlocker in barracks.
Scroll On desk in Horath's bedroom. Objective!
Bronze Gear On desk in Horath's bedroom.
Papyrus On corpse beneath Horath's bedroom.
Security Key In priest's bedroom to the S.
Housekeep Key On stationary archer above E hallway. (11)
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On stationary archer above E hallway. (12)
Scroll On library desk in the NW.
Bedroom Key In locked bedroom S of dining hall.
Broadhead Arrow x 2 On patrolling archer in main hall. (14)
Second Floor
Scroll On bedroom desk.
House Master Key In pickable chest in bedroom.
Flare x 2 On floor.
SECRET LIST - by Klatremus
Secret 1 Torch in basement reveals wine cellar.
Secret 2 Lever under nightstand in Horath's bedroom.
Secret 3 Switch behind pedestal in SW gallery on first floor.
Secret 4 Frob painting in ground floor library.
Secret 5 Secret room behind statue in hallway S of theatre.
Secret 6 Ceiling panel above staircase outside lord's chambers.
Grand Total
Loot: 3340 out of 3340
Pickpockets: 14 out of 14
Secrets: 6 out of 6
Sermon on chapel pulpit.
Notice on wall in first floor barracks.
Notice in first floor shooting range.
Journal in E bedroom on first floor.
Horath's journal beneath his bedroom. Objective!
Priest's diary in S bedroom on first floor.
Letter about vases in locked bedroom to the W on first floor.
Window atop ladder in N staircase outside. Responds to housekeep and master key.
Box with loot in servants' quarters.
Footlocker with loot in servants' quarters.
3 windows above swimming pool. Respond to housekeep and master key.
Footlocker in first floor barracks.
Door to first floor bedroom in the E. Responds to security and master key.
Door to Horath's bedroom. Responds to security and master key.
Window to priest's bedroom S on first floor. Responds to housekeep and master key.
Chest in second floor bedroom.
Chest in attic outside lord's chambers.
Guards in ground floor main hall.
Benny and the barmaid.