PREVIOUS MISSION                                                                          THIEF GOLD                                                                                   NEXT MISSION

Mission 2: Break From Cragscleft Prison



VIDEO REPORT (Narrated Run)

VIDEO REPORT (Segmented Run)




[This walkthrough has recently been updated for TFix 1.23, running NewDark 1.24. Although the original text for OldDark has been preserved, situations affected by these patches have been inserted in green. All screenshots have been updated, and many new ones have been added. Keep in mind that there is a difference between playing the game in NewDark with or without TFix. TFix updates the core mission files, as well as applies .dml files that tweak the environment in numerous ways. These changes aren’t supposed to have a significant impact on gameplay, but when ghosting, slight changes could occur. If wanting as close to the “vanilla” experience as possible, install just NewDark, without any further patches. I have ghosted the game 1) in OldDark, 2) in plain NewDark, and 3) in NewDark with TFix. This walkthrough will discuss differences between all varieties.]


This is one of my favorite missions in the game. Although it might not be the most complete mission design-wise, it is one I have an immense amount of fun playing. I love the dark and gritty, almost claustrophobic atmosphere, especially when creeping through the mines. The level design is quite linear for a Thief mission, although you are still given clever options for how to move between the floors. Unlike the introductory mission, Cragscleft Prison poses quite a few ghost challenges. While having some barren portions with few to no enemies, it also contains more complex sections with numerous zombies or patrolling hammerites. I’ve been unable to successfully accomplish Supreme or Norwegian Thief. Regular Ghost and Perfect Thief are possible though, but it requires a fair amount of trickery. Hammers, here I come!


Overall score: 9.7/10


Mines 2nd Level

Mines 4th Level

The Factory

The Prison

The Barracks

Map & Basso

Statistics & Notes



--- Mines 2nd Level ---

It has come to my attention that Cutty has been imprisoned by the Hammerites. The prison is located on top of an abandoned quarry; abandoned because of flooding and mysterious rumors of dark nature. My plan is to break in through the mines and bring Cutty back out. I know Basso the Boxman is in there as well, so I’ll try to kill two birds with one stone. Also, Issyt the Beggar has yet to return the lucky Hand of Glory he borrowed a while back, so I’ll be picking that up on the way. And loot 1000 worth.


I start outside the entrance to the lower mines. Some boulders and mining equipment lie scattered around, but nothing of particular importance. I also have a clean inventory, except for my compass. I wade in and dive through the flooded opening. I pick up a diamond (35) on the bottom, right within the entrance hole. Swimming the only way possible, past a broken lantern and a pick, I emerge at the start of a railroad track. Seems I’ve got the address right. Walk past the first stone and spot a zombie corpse on the ground, mosquitoes buzzing around it (left image below). This is NOT a sleeping zombie, so no worries. I immediately get that dark and eerie feeling, probably the reason the hammers don’t venture down here any longer. No zombies patrol the lower levels, so my pulse holds a steady beat. I take a right past the corpse, and follow this tunnel a little. I pick up a gold nugget (135) worth 100 and a silver nugget (185) worth 50 on the ground up ahead. Continuing along this path I take a left at the next t-junction. I then take the second tunnel on my right and walk up on the road a bit further down. Right again, and on to the elevator (quietly). I peer down and spot a green spider watching the lower level. He seems to be facing the wall to the right, so I should be safe going down there (remember the spiders’ “butt-vision” from Lord Bafford’s). Press the button for the bottom floor. Creep-crawling behind him (right image below) and down the slope ahead, I find a niche in the wall holding 2 moss arrows. Cc back and onto the elevator again. Press the top button (2 of them are broken, so I’ll have to find another way up to those levels) and leave the elevator on the south side. On the north side further down is a sleeping zombie, and I don’t want to wake him up. I therefore continue back down the east hall and take a left, then right. Taking the west path from here leads me to a four-way-junction. In the darkness right ahead is a sleeping zombie with one more resting to the right. I want to head towards the latter. Sneak up to him and hug the left wall.




Now, a little something about zombies. They have 6 states of alertness. 1) Sleeping, with no awareness of your presence. 2) Sleeping, but making a disgusting grunt, a 1st alert. This happens when you come too close. Their detection is distance related, not sound dependent. There seems to be a certain radius where they detect you, no matter if you’re pitch black or quiet as a mouse. Also, detection is restricted to their height level, hence you can traverse on top of boulders (thanks Old Man) and pass close by them without notice. This means you can practically jump over them without getting noticed. However, they seem to settle down after a while, going back to deep sleep so to speak. 3) If you get alerted like in 2) twice, they awake and rise up. If they see you, they’ll come chasing. But normally, if you’re out of sight, they’ll just stand there, hanging their head. Now they’re not sleeping corpses anymore, and can thus see you. They simply haven’t been assigned a patrol route, and function as a normal stationary guard. Patrolling zombies start in this state, except they’re moving around of course. 4) 1st alert. A state I seldom encounter. They seem to allow more than other AIs before giving the remark that indicates they’ve seen or heard you. There’s a very fine line between this and the next state of consciousness. 5) Normal 2nd alert. They’ve heard you, or got a glimpse of you, and are on the lookout. They give up much quicker than other enemies. 6) Normal 3rd alert (alarm). They see you and are quite angry.


As pointed out in the picture below and to the left, the hole in the wall is my next destination. I jump past the zombie without attracting attention. I follow this tunnel up to a square room with 3 corpses. One of these is another sleeping zombie. It’s the one farthest away in the corner. I can tell quite easily, as sleeping zombies don’t lie flush with the ground. There seems to be a few inches of space between the body and the floor. Clasping the left wall, I jump into another hole in the SW corner. I climb a couple of steps and leave through the left opening, landing at a ledge overlooking a room below. Continuing along this ledge, I jump across to the other side, where I find a silver nugget (235). Back onto the first ledge I mantle up to the bridge level. I walk out on the overhang and jump onto the left rail, being careful not to fall down. From here, I can mantle further up to the left and enter the 4th level of the mines.




--- Mines 4th Level ---

I stop by the top of this steep path (right image above). Now is when it gets fun! I make sure to check my map frequently up here, as this level can be quite confusing. This location has: a) 4 roaming zombies, b) lots of noisy gravel, and c) very few dark spots. All these factors make this area a nice challenge for any ghoster. Like I said, 4 zombies: 2 with insects, 2 without. On the map I have (indicated by dashed lines) tried to point out where they patrol, but within these routes they seem to have no particular pattern. Although this is an assumption, the ones without bug swarms rarely seem to venture further east than the elevator. Somehow they always turn around before that point. The other two can patrol all over the place, although one of them might be more attracted to the chapel. What I can guarantee is that they do not venture beyond the map’s dashed lines (unless they see you). If they do so, please tell me. Ok, let’s keep what I said about the no-insect ones in mind, and watch the other two for a moment. I wait until both of them are off to the west (right), sneak across to the other side, take a left and enter the forsaken chapel (left image below). Safe for now! Beside the SE, NE and NW pillars I find a healing potion, a water arrow and 2 holy water vials, respectively. In a niche in the eastern wall lie a golden hammer (310) and a golden candlestick (360). There’s also a holy water font in here.




This next part is based mostly on luck and patience. I stand in the shadow close to the exit and lean out to watch the church-zombie hopefully walk off to the right. When he does, I sprint out (as quietly as possible), and take a left down to a somewhat lower level. I find myself in a location where none of the zombies enter. There’s another circular area below where some of them end their patrol. When no one is around, I enter here and walk up the exit on the opposing side. Emerging at the top, it’s difficult to say whether zombies will be nearby or not. I mainly have to listen to their footsteps. If they’re lurking about, a darkened area in the wall directly to the right (underneath some wooden beams where I have to duck) will keep me hidden. The zombies could be walking by here, but will not detect me (right image above). When the footsteps disappear, I creep out and hurry down the hall, turn right, then left and into the lake ahead. I’m pretty fortunate the first time around, as all the zombies seem to be lured over towards the elevator. (Instead of going down the slope to the water, I could continue further on and take the next left, only to bump into a sitting skeleton shooting his skull at me. This is rather hilarious and well worth a look!) Once in the lake, the hardest part is done. There’s only one exit from here, so I dive in. I follow the underwater tunnel and emerge in another lake area. This place has two exits, one under and one above water. The leftmost hole leads to an area well-guarded by a hammer and further on to a waterfall (dead end). I take the right doorway on land instead (left image below).




Continue up some steps and follow the path until I overhear two hammers talking to my left. They’re upset about today’s novices. Gold and politics are too much on their minds, they feel. One of them starts his patrol, while the other stays stationary. I’ll get back to them in a little while. In the meantime I walk on, taking the second opening to my left, and spot a sleeping zombie up ahead. This pebbled road simply leads to another entrance to the factory. However, I slip down right and arrive in a larger room with some mining equipment. Directly to my left is a ladder. I climb up. The inner cave above holds a golden nugget (460) and a silver nugget (510). I then work my way back to where I overheard the hammers. I wait here until the patrolling guard has marched off and slowly creep over to the stairway. Following the shadows I’m able to stay hidden without any alerts (right image above). I continue up the stairs to the factory...


--- The Factory ---

The only task here is to get to the prison, but it requires some sneaky activities. I take the first door on my right, into the power station. I walk slightly into the room, and turn to the right. From here I can see the patrolling hammer come from the left, turn, and walk back again. I follow him and hide to the right of the first set of stairs. The guard will enter the next room, walk right, turn around and patrol left. When he disappears around the corner, I make a run for it, into the room and up the stairs ahead. There is another guard in the control room through a gate to the left, but he’s usually quite oblivious. I continue, ignoring the left hall, turning right at the corner. The next right (past some stairs down) is the entrance to the main factory. I enter a wooden walkway above the hammer production facilities. At every turn there’s a square metal grating that makes some noise when walked upon, better creep here. Darkness all along so I walk around to the end, ignoring the stairs down. I then position myself at an angle towards the fence at the end and jump onto the railing without falling down just yet. I know I’m completely onto it when Garrett responds to me pressing the crouch-key. Leaning out I can see the hammers patrolling below, placing their newly produced hammers in the giant crates (left image below). When no one seems to be around, I crouch and fall (this should make no noise). I then hurry around the corner towards the prison.




--- The Prison ---

Follow this path until I bump into two hammers talking. So Cutty is held in block 4, huh? Well that is nice to know. One of the guards leaves down the right hall. When he walks by, I snag the key from his belt [1]. Now, hugging the north wall and creep-crawling towards the stationary hammer, I’m able to pick his key [2] also. NewDark adjusts this guard’s incorrect positioning to now having him permanently face east (right image above). This means getting the key by hugging the north wall is now impossible. The only current way to steal the key without a first alert, is by silently dropping from the divider into the corner by the locking mechanism during their conversation. This would normally trigger a comment, but since they’re busy talking, they don’t alert. You can then lean towards the window and retrieve the key. Keep another inventory item active so you know when the key is in range, since you can’t see it from where you’re standing. Leaving this corner without getting spotted is much harder though. If lucky, you can wait until the other guard leaves and leap to mantle up the dividing wall again, only spawning a first alert. But there’s no way you can do this without busting Supreme. The only way to do this alert-free is to replay the scenario until the guard makes a rare mini-pivot upon conclusion of the conversation (left image below). He sometimes does a one second 90-degree turn to the north just as the other guy gets to the top of the small flight of stairs there. Then he immediately rotates back to face east, as he’s supposed to. Whether this motion occurs at all is completely random, and quite rare. For me it happened approximately one in five times. In the screenshot below, I’ve positioned myself so that I can see whether the guard turns, while still concealing myself behind the window frame. I took the capture the instant I saw the turning motion start (notice the other guard to the far right). About half a second after, I jump and mantle up the ledge. If you do it too quickly, he will still alert. It seems like even though his body turns, his vision doesn’t shift until the rotation has fully completed, so wait a brief moment before making the move. It’s challenging, but highly repeatable. The biggest challenge is being patient enough to wait for the turn to occur in the first place, plus you have to listen to the entire conversation over again every time it doesn’t happen. Cc back and follow the path the patrolling hammer took. In the T-junction I choose the hall toward block 4, toward Cutty. Soon I come to an open area with a rotating sensor in the ceiling. I sneak in, up to the right window and lean in to grab another key [3] from the guard. Cc to the opposite wall, always watching out for that sensor. From here I can sneak out the other exit without lighting up enough to get caught. The patrolling guy I snagged a key from earlier has this room as a part of his route (check the map), so I’m also on the lookout for him. TFix changes the lighting in this room so much that you no longer can sneak past the flickering light and up the stairs without alerts from the nearby guard. Instead you have to take the route towards cell blocks 1 and 2 and pass the camera room there. This is not a NewDark feature, but instead changed by the author(s) of TFix. I’m not sure if it has been changed back to the original past v1.23.




On to find Cutty then. Up these stairs, then left. Arriving at the prison cells, I take a right into the lower level. I notice a hammer peering in my direction from above. Fortunately, there are lots of shadows down here to hide in while I cross to the other side. I climb the stairs, while being on the lookout for a hammer patrolling in this area. At the top I turn left and lean around the left corner. When the guard in the room ahead is looking away, I sneak over to the first shadowy area. I continue in this manner until I can lean over the fence and grab his key [4]. I need to walk into the shadow past that last prison cell. Then turn 180° and unlock the door with one of my keys (there’s a locking mechanism on the wall to the right of the door). My goal is then to frob the lowest lever in the leftmost column, when the guard’s back is turned. This opens the door downstairs to Cutty’s cell. I hurry out again, since the door will lock up by itself. I then work myself down to Cutty; he’s in the first cell to my left (right image above). Cutty’s weak and has no money for me. Instead, he informs me of a map from this guy named Felix. Supposedly it will lead me to the Horn of Quintus down in the bonehoard. After Cutty’s death I quickly move him to a dark spot in his cell, to avoid suspicious hammers. In the same manner as described above, I then put the cell gate back to its original position by pulling the lever once more.


Basso’s next! I walk back past the prison gates on the 2nd floor in block 4. At the end I turn left and unlock the door to my right using the bronze key. I’m now entering cellblock 3. I turn right and, as before, lean around the corner to check which way the guard is facing. All the cellblocks look the same, so I’ll skip some of the explanations to avoid repeating myself. Sneak over to the window and lean in to grab another key [5] from this guard’s belt. Here comes one of the sneakiest moves in the entire game. Entering the lever-room in the normal fashion will alert Tarquis, a former goldlender in cell 10, and obviously blow to pieces any chances of ghosting. I have to jump over the railing onto the fence in front of that hammer guard instead. To avoid alerting him, wait until he’s facing away. Notice it’s easy to touch the metal railing with my feet, which makes too much noise. Press the jump-key as late as possible to prevent this. NewDark makes this move much easier. Due to the new mantling mechanics, simply crouch right by the balcony and mantle over the metal railing without making noise. When I reach the fence, I move to the end and slide down into a shadowy area where I’m completely covered in darkness (left image below). Nice, eh? This is difficult and took me quite some time to get right. Somehow the guard seems to stay with his back turned no more than a few seconds, and that gave me a hard time. Anyway, it’s possible to lean forward and to the left, and pull the middle lever in the second row, the lever to Basso’s gate, while staying in full darkness (right image below). Reading the notebook in here shows that Dikket, a heretic which provided the hot tip available in the purchase screen, has been released upon informing. Great follow-up from the mission creators! I can now slide down to level 1 without taking damage or making noise. Basso is unconscious in the middle cell to the left. Pick him up and bring him to level 2. TFix shifts the placement of Latton, the prisoner in cell #3, forward for some reason. He is now positioned much closer to the cell gate. This alerts the patrolling hammer in this block every time he passes by. It’s only a first alert comment, and obviously not a bust, but still somewhat annoying. There’s a dark portion to the right and straight-ahead. I drop him here; he’ll be safe (left image further below). TFix makes bodies much easier to spot than before, so this corner is no longer dark enough to hide Basso. I drop him around the corner leading to the barracks from cell block 1 instead. By the same method as above, I then push Basso’s gate lever back to its former state. This time it’s a lot easier and takes me only a couple of tries. Drop down to the first level one last time. Continue straight and take a left. Unlock the door and go through into the yard.




In front of me now is the entrance to cell block 1. Two hammers are patrolling this way; one of them has a key. I wait for him in the darkness here and snatch it [6]. Once I do, he won’t be able to unlock this door and will stop right in front of it. The other guard will come by and open the door for him. Sometimes the other will start patrolling again, but he won’t stop at the next door he reaches. Instead he’ll try to find other methods on how to reach his destinations. I’ve seen him all over the prison area, except for inside the yard, so remember to be on your guard from now on. Anyway, I go through the other door on this side into cellblock 2. Immediately fly up the stairs here to level 2, then left. All I need to do in this cellblock is to pick the key [7] from the guard overlooking the lower level. Then enter block 1 at the next left, always on the lookout for the last patrolling hammer. Lean around the left corner, creep, stop, creep, stop. There’s a wary prisoner (Sennet) in the first cell to my left who’ll make a remark as long as I don’t creep-crawl. I get a “Who’s there?” as soon as my indicator goes yellow. I walk to the end and grab the key [8] from the guard through the window like earlier. Unlock the door and sneak in behind his back to pull the second lever in the right row. I hear Issyt’s gate open nearby. I get out, take a left and enter the second cell on the right. Hmm...Issyt’s fate seems somewhat unfortunate (right image below). The Hand of Glory is camouflaged as his left hand, so I pick it up. Need to find the map plus some more loot and I’m home free, at least in terms of Ghost and Supreme mode. First I close the gate to Issyt’s cell.




On to the barracks. Go downstairs from here and take a left, then left again. I see some stairs in front of me, but also hear the whistling of someone nearby. Peeking around the corner I see a hammer priest guarding this room. He’s facing the stairs and doesn’t seem to move or turn at all. The room is well lit also. Could be a real challenge this. I see Supreme flying out the window here. Trying to sneak up the stairs...nope, full alarm! Can’t douse that torch either, against Supreme rules. Will leave him here for a while then, and see which way he fidgets. Bad news...after about 10 hours he ended up in the northeast corner. Reload. Can I at least sneak in behind to nudge him forward? Not even close. He sees me as soon as I round that corner. I can move a little bit into the room before getting remarked though. What if I found some crates and tried to jump in behind him? Remember seeing some boxes down in the storerooms when snooping around in the factory. I work my way down there...yes 4 boxes on the top shelf. I bring two of them with me back up to the priest. I sneak in as far as I can, then jump up on the first crate. So far, so good! Trying the ceiling is too low. I bounce out into the middle of the room when I can’t fit on top of the box. Hmm...guess this means a 1st alert is inevitable. Accepting a Supreme bust, I can move far enough into the room to fit myself on top of the second crate also. After a few tries, I can silently slide in behind him. This exact method is no longer possible in TFix, due to the increased proximity of enemies alerting to dropped crates and other noisy items. The way around this is to cushion each crate with something soft, like a potion. If playing with just NewDark, but no other updates included in TFix, then it works like normal. Nudging time. Have to push him up the first set of stairs. Below to the left is an image of how I placed the crates and how far I had to push the priest to safely traverse up the stairs. [UPDATE 20/12/07: For normal ghost, dousing the torch is the correct option, as exploits are only allowed as a last resort (right image below). Doing this, I can run up the stairs with no further remark. Coming down I have to accept a 1st alert from the priest.]




--- The Barracks ---


Upstairs I enter the opening to the left, but wait…footsteps behind me. A guard passes, turns and patrols back down the south hallway. I follow him past a couple of turns, and enter the first door I see on my right. A chest directly to the left in here holds a purse (610). Back out and follow the guard some more to the next door on the same side. Like before a chest rests in here also, but this one contains 10 broadhead arrows. Exit this room and continue on, only to enter the doorway on the opposite side. I’ve entered a dining room, with a loaf on the first table. I quickly run into the open door to the kitchen in the opposite corner. The guard will soon return from his route and walk through the dining room, so I’ll keep an eye out for him (left image below). In the kitchen are more goodies: 4 loaves, 3 cheeses, 3 apples, 2 cucumbers, 2 carrots, 2 deer legs and a water arrow. That’s about it, so I make my way back to where I first saw the guard and enter the carpeted area to the right. Another hammer patrols here in a circular clockwise pattern, walking from right to left on this side of the window. I spot a golden hammer (760) on each of the two elevated pedestals flanking the entrance to the lighted area up ahead, worth 150 altogether. Also, in front of the colored window are 2 golden candlesticks (860). I note a small hole at the base of the window through which I can see at least one hammer priest. The priest actually gave me a “Who treads there?” through this hole once.




I take a right (after the guard disappears to the left) and another right up to the second floor. I follow the only hall possible, taking a left at the first t-junction. I then enter the door on the right. Wait...a guard nearby...patrolling on gravel? No such thing in here. Must be outside then. A safe in here (the evidence locker?), but my key is no good. Let’s try the other door in here then. I follow the hall to the end. The guard is very close now; I can hear him more clearly. There! Outside the window! I saw him stroll by then turn and head right back to the left. If he carries something, I might be able to snag it from in here. Nice and dark too! Here he comes... My best chance will be on his way back, since the pocket is on his left side. Leaning forward and...yes! He carried a silver key [9]. Back to the study. The key fits in the safe lock. In it are a diamond (960) and a tiara (1085), but no map (right image above). Locking the safe. A scroll rests in the bookcase next to the desk. I read it. This prisoner called Nammon must have stolen the map along with some valuables from the evidence box. If I want the map, Nammon must be found first. The paper says he escaped his bonds; I can therefore rule out the prison cells. One of the hammers heard some commotion to the west. Will have to check that out on my way down. I put the scroll back as a Supreme requirement. There’s nothing else of interest here, so I exit through the western door.


Turn left, and then take the next left door, ignoring the way back to the right. A safe seems to be the only thing of interest in this room. I unlock it with the silver key. Another diamond (1185), and a golden necklace (1385). Slashing down the banner next to the safe however, will reveal a hidden passage containing 3 bottles of fine wine (1535). The downside is that property damage is considered a bust, even in plain ghost mode. There is, however, a way past this for ghosters called “keyholing”. Discovered by Lytha, keyholing exploits the dark engine in a way that makes you able to grab or frob objects on the other side of doors or banners. This method I’ll have to use here. Stand up to the banner on the left side, also hugging the left pillar. Lean left halfway around the pillar, and then face back towards the banner (but not too much) (left image below).  Keep holding down the lean left-key, I press and  hold the lean forward-key and  wriggle the mouse a little (middle image below). I still can’t reach all the bottles though, but pressing the lean right-key and turning to the left does the trick. As seen in the right picture below, I’m able to pick up the valuable alcohol still holding lean left, lean right and forward. This method is no longer possible in any version of NewDark. The Thief 2 engine doesn’t allow penetration through banners without the use of a rope arrow. Perfect Thief is therefore not achievable. For Supreme, I’ll skip this loot, as exploits aren’t allowed period. I also drop the silver key back through the window onto the outside guard’s patrol route.


 keyhole_1     keyhole_2     keyhole_3


I work my way down to the second floor entrance again. Waiting for the patrolling guard to stroll by, I go straight and take a left. Two hammers are chatting about a brother buying his knife at a competing blacksmith’s. Nothing important. Sneaking around to the left and hiding in the shadows, I can spot them both, a priest and a novice. Hmm... I could swear that novice was facing the opposite direction last time I played this mission. I remember having trouble grabbing that hammer on the table, while also snatching the priest’s key. That’s really weird! As seen in the pictures below, I have no trouble creep-crouching up the stairs on the left side, in behind the priest and pick up both the key [10] and the golden hammer (1610). I don’t know what decides the novice’s fate of direction, but he might slowly change body-angle during the course of time prior to their conversation. I haven’t analyzed this situation any further, since the situation I arrived to had a quite simple solution, but if anyone else has some facts about this, please send them to me, and I’ll post them here. I have heard that the novice fidgets in place quite fast across the room (when facing the table), ending up in the corner to the priest’s left after some hours. If so, that method would’ve also solved this situation, but Supreme would be busted (since waiting is considered an engine exploit).



                                                     OldDark                                                                                                             OldDark



Ok, I have done some snoopin’ around on TTLG’s and Eidos’ forums, and it seems like the novice’s turning is a TG bug. Apparently, if one waits some hours prior to their triggered chat, he may turn around. It happened to me after about 75 minutes, although I have no idea whether this is longer or shorter than “usual”. Since this random turning is considered a bug, using it to get the key and the hammer probably constitutes a bust towards Supreme rule #11. The only solution then, is to skip this area altogether. It is allowed in plain ghost though, so that mode is still intact. I’ve never found the acolyte facing south in NewDark. The updated pictures above are from an OldDark savegame run through NewDark.



                                                     OldDark                                                                                                             NewDark


Decided to reload to a savegame where the novice faces south and wait overnight, to see if he moves and where he ends up. As you see (to the left above), my earlier assumptions were wrong. He slid off the closest side of the table, stopping at the priest’s right hand side. Heard Sneak say these guys on different occasions went all over the place. I’ve only seen them end up as in the left picture above. Regardless, I can successfully get both the silver key and the hammer this way also. In NewDark, the acolyte moved north quite fast, but stopped once reaching the table (right image above). He never moved from there. I’ve still never seen him end up to the left of the priest, as in Travis Whitsitt’s famous (and almost endless) let’s play.




--- Map & Basso ---

Work my way back downstairs, and bring Basso and the used crates to the cellblock 1 exit (I bring them with me as I go along now, unless otherwise stated). Follow this hall and take the first right. Another circular room with one of those ceiling-sensors. Walk around the left pillars to the opposite side. Approach the guard from this side and snag his key [11]. Exit through the other side and take a right. Drop the stuff in the shadows up ahead. Walk on, ignoring the left stairs (Supreme Thief also requires the red key to be dropped somewhere along this path, check the map for the guard’s patrol route), and enter the next room and take a hard right. I go down the small hole in front of me, and arrive in some sewer area. I jump into the water and wade to the other end, then turn left and traverse to the opposite side up a small flight of stairs. I find a corpse with a key on its belt (left image above). This is Nammon mentioned earlier. Beside it are 4 moss arrows, 3 water arrows, 4 stacks of silver coins (1658), a stack of copper coins (1663) and one stack of gold coins (1688). Some notes also rest here. Aha! This guy must be Nammon, and as predicted he has Felix’s map...well not anymore. Back out of the sewers. Time to leave this place! Bring the crates back to their original position, and carry Basso down the stairs leading out from the factory area. Sneak past the stationary hammer, and back exactly the way I came from (don’t worry, Basso can handle getting wet), all the way to the elevator. I then hide Basso in the dark steep slope to the north. I sneak up and lean around the box, pressing the top button. Bring Basso up here and drop him onto the elevator. I then press the button for level 2 and ride down with him. (If you rather want to bring Basso out the opening from level 3, which perhaps is what’s intended, you have to jump off the elevator at the 3rd floor while it’s moving, and let the machine continue down on its own.) From here on the path out to freedom is easy (right image above)! Finito!





Time: 2:23:57

Loot: 1688 out of 1688 (Supreme: 1463)

Pickpockets: 11 out of 11

Damage Dealt: 0 Damage Taken: 0

Consumables: 1 Water Arrow

Ghost: Success!

Perfect Thief: Success!

Supreme Thief: Failed!

Perfect Supreme Thief: Failed!

Norwegian Thief: Failed!



-          The priest by the stairs leading to the barracks had to be nudged forward enough for me to sneak up. He also gave a 1st alert during this process. I chose this alternative for Supreme, despite busts. For Ghost, dousing the torch is allowed and hence no bust.

-          The 3 bottles of fine wine at the top floor of the barracks had to be picked up by “keyholing” the banner. This cannot be accomplished in NewDark. A Supreme bust so they were skipped, eliminating all possibility for Perfect Supreme.

-          The novice in the barracks had turned around due to a TG bug. This made me able to get the hammer on the table to complete Perfect Thief. This is obviously a Supreme violation, and must be skipped for this mode. Alternately, waiting 10+ hours will move the novice past the table enough to grab the hammer. This also cannot be accomplished in NewDark. He stops once reaching the table.


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