PATRIOT, Mission 4: Partner  -  by Zontik
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Stack of Gold Coins In footlocker in barracks. 25
Mines, Level 1
Coin Pair On floor in directorate office. 20
Diamond In safe in directorate office. 125
Drill Bit In toolbox in chief engineer's workshop. 40
Coin Pair x 2 On desk  and floor in bookeeping office. 40
Silver Nugget In coal heap in the SW. 50
Gold Nugget In cave to the E. 100
Mines, Level 2
Purse On lanternguard patrolling levels 2 and 3. (1) 100
Gold Nugget In cart in central cave. 100
Silver Nugget In wagon in SW cave. 50
Mines, Level 3
Silver Nugget In S cave coming down from level 2. 50
Gold Nugget On wall in dead end cave to the W. 100
Silver Nugget Under track just S of lift. 50
Mines, Level 4
Diamond Inside first gate. 100
Diamond By track with fallen wheelbarrow in the SW. 100
Silver Nugget In far SW cave. 50
Diamond At bottom of lift shaft. 100
Diamond Under drilling machine in cave with lift. 100
Diamond In lava crack in SE cave. 100
Purse On desk in ammunition store. 100
Total: 1500 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Broadhead Arrow x 3 On dead archer on barracsk roof.
Flash Bomb x 2 In footlocker in barracks.
Mines, Level 1
Flare x 5 On shelf in N cave.
Mines, Level 2
Flare x 3 On shelf in SW cave.
Healing Potion On shelf in SW cave.
Key By corpse in staircase going down.
Tunnel-Destroying Schema Behind rubble in staircase going down. Reach from level 3. Triggers new objective!
Mines, Level 4
Flash Bomb x 2 In ammunition store.
Explosive Charge x 2 In ammunition store. Objective!
Fire Arrow In corner of lava pool in cave with lift.
Fire Arrow x 2 In hidden cave in ammunition store.
Gas Mine x 2 In hidden cave in ammunition store.
Flare x 2 In hidden cave in ammunition store.
Cheese On balcony railing in S street.
Deer Leg In footlocker in NW watchtower.
Cheese In bedroom with window to pulley system to the S in city.
Cheese x 2 In footlocker on 4th level of train station.
Key On guard by main gate to train depot. (2)
Gas Mine In hidden office in train station. Crawl through vent under train.
Gas Mine x 5 In open crate in cargo cart.
Cheese On crate in cargo cart.
Screwdriver In toolbox on front cart.
Wrench On roof of front cart.
SECRET LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Secret 1 Button in ammunition store reveals access to cave.
Secret 2 Gas mine in hidden office in train station. Crawl through vent.
Secret 3 Cheese on top of crate in cargo cart on moving train.
Grand Total
Loot: 1500 out of 1500
Pickpockets: 2 out of 2
Secrets: 3 out of 3
Letter on desk by window in outside shed.
Notice on board in first cave.
Journal in directorate office in mines, level 1.
Letter in ammunition store.
Safe in directorate office.
Door to ammunition store.
Door to engine room on train.
Wheel brakes on train.