PATRIOT, Mission 7: Heretic  -  by Zontik
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes Value
Crypt Level
Candelabra On sill to the N in the pillar crypts. 50
Purse On guard involved in conversation in the pillar crypts. (1) 100
Spade Under E altar in pillar crypts. 25
Mug On altar in the south crypt. 20
Green Vase In central pillar in ossuary staircase. 50
Stack of Gold Coins In chest in bedroom underneath guard house stairs. 25
Coin Pair In contribution box by guard house gate. 10
Statue On shelf in SW office in Abbot's quarters. 15
Tiara In safe in SW office in Abbot's quarters. 125
Gold Vase In library in Abbot's quarters. 100
Trophy In underground church. 45
Spade Behind mech angel on wall. Flip switch behind brick. 100
Drill Bit In pump room by monastery baths. 125
Candelabra On sill in hallway E of monastery baths. 50
Scales In locked storage room by monastery baths. 20
Candelabra On sill in cloister. 50
Gold Candlestick On sill in north crypt. 50
Quill Pen On desk in scriptorium. 25
Statue In bookshelf in scriptorium. 15
Blue Vase On mantelpiece in guest hall. 50
Purse On nobleman in guest hall. (2) 100
Gold Plate x 10 On tables in guest hall. 100
Gold Goblet On floor beside chairs in guest hall. 25
Quill Pen On desk in archive. 25
Quill Pen In hidden study in archive. 25
Chapel Level
Mug In bathroom upstairs in Abbot's quarters. 20
Gold Watch In upstairs bedroom in Abbot's quarters. 20
Fire Poker In upstairs sitting room in Abbot's quarters. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine Outside window by chimney above guest hall. 50
Gold Goblet On railing above stairs NE of well. 25
Purse On nobleman in grassy area E of well. (4) 100
Quill Pen On desk in abbey court. 25
Gold Goblet Under table in reflectory. 25
Plate x 2 In kitchen sink. 20
Gold Goblet On kitchen cabinet. 25
Tiara On statue in garden. 125
Statue On wall in west chapel. 30
Candelabra On altar in west chapel. 50
Statue On wall by NW balcony entrance. 15
Gold Candlestick On table by W entrance. 50
Coin Pair In wash basin by W entrance. 20
Gold Goblet In chest in NW room. 25
Rug On statue in Holy Child chapel. 55
Coin Pair On tray in St Helen chapel. 20
Ring x 2 On tray in St Helen chapel. 100
Goblet x 2 In Holy Spring chapel. 30
Candelabra In De Quervain chapel. 50
Urn In De Quervain chapel. 20
Urn In upper SW hallway. 20
Quill Pen In upper NW hallway. 25
Gold Candlestick In upper NW hallway. 50
Statue Above doorway in bell tower. 15
Gold Candlestick On sill in bell tower, by organ. 50
Gold Candlestick On ledge in bell tower overlooking chapel. 50
Bottle of Fine Wine Behind organ in bell tower. 50
Spade On top of cathedral spire. 100
Bottle of Fine Wine On hidden balcony far above E altar room. Access from E roof. 50
Gold Goblet On hidden balcony far above E altar room. Access from E roof. 25
Cellar Level
Mug In chest under staircase from black hole. 20
Coin Pair In contribution box in hospice. 10
Diamond In box in workshop. 100
Spice Bag In footlocker in W cellar. 40
Bottle of Fine Wine In corner by shelving unit in wine cellar. 50
Urn On pedestal in aquilon. 20
Total: 3000 gold
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Type Location & notes
Cellar Level
Moss Arrow In starting cave.
Water Arrow x 3 In water basin.
A Piece of Chalk By chalkboard in hospice.
Healing Potion Under cabinet in hospice.
A Note About Powder In wine cellar.
Apple x 3 On floor in W cellar.
Water Arrow In bucket in NW garden.
Moss Arrow In corner of NW garden.
Rope Arrow In tree in NW garden.
Rope Arrow In chest on ledge by NW garden.
Fire Arrow In chest under stairs in aquilon.
Broadhead Arrow In target E of aquilon.
Rope Arrow x 2 In storage room.
Flash Bomb In storage room.
Key Ring On prison guard in aquilon after tolling bells. (5)
Flash Bomb On shelf in prison.
Loaf x 4 In chest in prison.
Flare On shelf in prison.
Crypt Level
Water Arrow In vase in guard house sitting room.
Cathedral Key In box on hidden windowsill in SW office in Abbot's quarters.
Morra's Room Key In safe in office in Abbot's quarters.
Abbot's Key On wall inside main door to Abbot's quarters.
Flash Bomb x 2 On shelving unit in hallway between ossuary and hoist.
Slow-fall Potion In corner by pallet in hoist area.
Fire Arrow In fireplace in the SW.
Flare x 2 On shelving unit by fireplace in the SW.
Rope Arrow x 3 In chest by fireplace in the SW.
Junk Note In dead end hall S of underground church.
Healing Potion On hidden balcony above underground church.
Water Arrow In drain in monastery baths.
Water Arrow In pump room by monastery baths.
Moss Arrow In empty bath behind locked door.
Water Arrow x 3 In locked storage room by monastery baths.
Fuse In locked storage room by monastery baths.
Morra's Letter In locked storage room by monastery baths. Triggers new objetive!
Chimney Sweep's Key On altar in north crypt.
Fire Arrow In lit fireplace in scriptorium.
Book of Legends In bookcase in scriptorium.
Broadhead Arrow On statue's back in scriptorium.
Gas Arrow In chimney above guest hall.
Baths Key On monk in guest hall. (3)
Apple x 7 On table in guest hall.
Cheese x 3 On table in guest hall.
Chapel Level
Water Arrow x 3 In bucket behind shrubbery W of well.
Water Arrow In bucket in upstairs bathroom in Abbot's quarters.
Rope Arrow Behind shield in upstairs sitting room in Abbot's quarters.
Archive Key On desk in abbey court.
Rope Arrow In chest on ledge outside monastery to the far E.
Flare x 3 In chest under stairs leading to outside monastery to the far E.
Moss Arrow In bush on S side of well.
Moss Arrow In hanging bush from wall on upper section NE of well.
Water Arrow In grate by bottom of staircase E of well.
Speed Potion On outside ledge on S side of west chapel.
Rope Arrow In chest in chimney tower above scriptorium.
Moss Arrow Behind bench in N garden.
Water Arrow In bucket in plaza S of garden.
Moss Arrow x 3 In chest behind staircase in plaza S of garden.
Rope Arrow In hand of statue in west chapel.
Gas Arrow In chest on top of ossuary. Drop from cathedral bell tower.
Closet Key On wall inside door from NW room to garden.
Angry Letter In bucket in NW room.
Rope Arrow In crate in bell tower.
Healing Potion In chest behind S pillar on E balcony.
Water Arrow In font in holy spring chapel.
Moss Arrow x 2 In vines in inning chapel.
SECRET LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty)
Secret 1 Gas arrow in chimney above guest hall.
Secret 2 Open safe in Abbot's quarters.
Secret 3 Candlestick in high sill in bell tower.
Secret 4 Switch on statue in pillar crypt reveals loot under altar.
Secret 5 Hidden balcony far above cathedral altar. Access from E roof.
Secret 6 Bottle behind organ in bell tower.
Secret 7 Gas arrow in chest on ossuary roof.
Secret 8 Switch behind brick in underground church reveals loot.
Secret 9 Switch behind altar in underground church reveals passageway to balcony.
Secret 10 Switch in scriptorium bookcase reveals history book in floor.
Secret 11 Passageway from major's cell to ossuary. Frob chain on wall.
Secret 12 Switch in corner by bookcase in archive room reveals hidden study.
Secret 13 Switch in fireplace at Abbot's reveals book behind display case.
Grand Total
Loot: 3000 out of 3000
Pickpockets: 5 out of 5
Secrets: 13 out of 13
Letter on desk in abbey court.
Claim journal in guard house.
Crumpled paper in waste basket in Abbot's quarters.
Letter to chimney sweep in north crypt.
Two books in archive.
Journal in Morra's room.
Book on table by cathedral W entrance.
Crumpled paper under desk in upper NW hallway in cathedral.
Notice by doorway outside bell tower.
Notice outside prison cells in west wing.
Book in hidden study in archive.
Prayer book on high balcony above underground church.
History of the monastery in hidden compartment in scriptorium.
Prison log.
Door from guard house to abbey court.
Door from black hole to north crypt.
Door to bath storage room.
Door to closet storage room in cathedral.
3 doors from aquilon to storage room.
Guards in pillar crypt.