PATRIOT, Mission 7:
Heretic - by Zontik |
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty) |
Type |
Location & notes |
Value |
Crypt Level |
Candelabra |
On sill to the N in the pillar crypts. |
50 |
Purse |
On guard involved in conversation in the pillar crypts. (1) |
100 |
Spade |
Under E altar in pillar crypts. |
25 |
Mug |
On altar in the south crypt. |
20 |
Green Vase |
In central pillar in ossuary staircase. |
50 |
Stack of Gold Coins |
In chest in bedroom underneath guard house stairs. |
25 |
Coin Pair |
In contribution box by guard house gate. |
10 |
Statue |
On shelf in SW office in Abbot's quarters. |
15 |
Tiara |
In safe in SW office in Abbot's quarters. |
125 |
Gold Vase |
In library in Abbot's quarters. |
100 |
Trophy |
In underground church. |
45 |
Spade |
Behind mech angel on wall. Flip switch behind brick. |
100 |
Drill Bit |
In pump room by monastery baths. |
125 |
Candelabra |
On sill in hallway E of monastery baths. |
50 |
Scales |
In locked storage room by monastery baths. |
20 |
Candelabra |
On sill in cloister. |
50 |
Gold Candlestick |
On sill in north crypt. |
50 |
Quill Pen |
On desk in scriptorium. |
25 |
Statue |
In bookshelf in scriptorium. |
15 |
Blue Vase |
On mantelpiece in guest hall. |
50 |
Purse |
On nobleman in guest hall. (2) |
100 |
Gold Plate x 10 |
On tables in guest hall. |
100 |
Gold Goblet |
On floor beside chairs in guest hall. |
25 |
Quill Pen |
On desk in archive. |
25 |
Quill Pen |
In hidden study in archive. |
25 |
Chapel Level |
Mug |
In bathroom upstairs in Abbot's quarters. |
20 |
Gold Watch |
In upstairs bedroom in Abbot's quarters. |
20 |
Fire Poker |
In upstairs sitting room in Abbot's quarters. |
100 |
Bottle of Fine Wine |
Outside window by chimney above guest hall. |
50 |
Gold Goblet |
On railing above stairs NE of well. |
25 |
Purse |
On nobleman in grassy area E of well. (4) |
100 |
Quill Pen |
On desk in abbey court. |
25 |
Gold Goblet |
Under table in reflectory. |
25 |
Plate x 2 |
In kitchen sink. |
20 |
Gold Goblet |
On kitchen cabinet. |
25 |
Tiara |
On statue in garden. |
125 |
Statue |
On wall in west chapel. |
30 |
Candelabra |
On altar in west chapel. |
50 |
Cathedral |
Statue |
On wall by NW balcony entrance. |
15 |
Gold Candlestick |
On table by W entrance. |
50 |
Coin Pair |
In wash basin by W entrance. |
20 |
Gold Goblet |
In chest in NW room. |
25 |
Rug |
On statue in Holy Child chapel. |
55 |
Coin Pair |
On tray in St Helen chapel. |
20 |
Ring x 2 |
On tray in St Helen chapel. |
100 |
Goblet x 2 |
In Holy Spring chapel. |
30 |
Candelabra |
In De Quervain chapel. |
50 |
Urn |
In De Quervain chapel. |
20 |
Urn |
In upper SW hallway. |
20 |
Quill Pen |
In upper NW hallway. |
25 |
Gold Candlestick |
In upper NW hallway. |
50 |
Statue |
Above doorway in bell tower. |
15 |
Gold Candlestick |
On sill in bell tower, by organ. |
50 |
Gold Candlestick |
On ledge in bell tower overlooking chapel. |
50 |
Bottle of Fine Wine |
Behind organ in bell tower. |
50 |
Spade |
On top of cathedral spire. |
100 |
Bottle of Fine Wine |
On hidden balcony far above E altar room. Access from E roof. |
50 |
Gold Goblet |
On hidden balcony far above E altar room. Access from E roof. |
25 |
Cellar Level |
Mug |
In chest under staircase from black hole. |
20 |
Coin Pair |
In contribution box in hospice. |
10 |
Diamond |
In box in workshop. |
100 |
Spice Bag |
In footlocker in W cellar. |
40 |
Bottle of Fine Wine |
In corner by shelving unit in wine cellar. |
50 |
Urn |
On pedestal in aquilon. |
20 |
Total: |
3000 |
gold |
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty) |
Type |
Location & notes |
Cellar Level |
Moss Arrow |
In starting cave. |
Water Arrow x 3 |
In water basin. |
A Piece of Chalk |
By chalkboard in hospice. |
Healing Potion |
Under cabinet in hospice. |
A Note About Powder |
In wine cellar. |
Apple x 3 |
On floor in W cellar. |
Water Arrow |
In bucket in NW garden. |
Moss Arrow |
In corner of NW garden. |
Rope Arrow |
In tree in NW garden. |
Rope Arrow |
In chest on ledge by NW garden. |
Fire Arrow |
In chest under stairs in aquilon. |
Broadhead Arrow |
In target E of aquilon. |
Rope Arrow x 2 |
In storage room. |
Flash Bomb |
In storage room. |
Key Ring |
On prison guard in aquilon after tolling bells. (5) |
Flash Bomb |
On shelf in prison. |
Loaf x 4 |
In chest in prison. |
Flare |
On shelf in prison. |
Crypt Level |
Water Arrow |
In vase in guard house sitting room. |
Cathedral Key |
In box on hidden windowsill in SW office in Abbot's quarters. |
Morra's Room Key |
In safe in office in Abbot's quarters. |
Abbot's Key |
On wall inside main door to Abbot's quarters. |
Flash Bomb x 2 |
On shelving unit in hallway between ossuary and hoist. |
Slow-fall Potion |
In corner by pallet in hoist area. |
Fire Arrow |
In fireplace in the SW. |
Flare x 2 |
On shelving unit by fireplace in the SW. |
Rope Arrow x 3 |
In chest by fireplace in the SW. |
Junk Note |
In dead end hall S of underground church. |
Healing Potion |
On hidden balcony above underground church. |
Water Arrow |
In drain in monastery baths. |
Water Arrow |
In pump room by monastery baths. |
Moss Arrow |
In empty bath behind locked door. |
Water Arrow x 3 |
In locked storage room by monastery baths. |
Fuse |
In locked storage room by monastery baths. |
Morra's Letter |
In locked storage room by monastery baths. Triggers new
objetive! |
Chimney Sweep's Key |
On altar in north crypt. |
Fire Arrow |
In lit fireplace in scriptorium. |
Book of Legends |
In bookcase in scriptorium. |
Broadhead Arrow |
On statue's back in scriptorium. |
Gas Arrow |
In chimney above guest hall. |
Baths Key |
On monk in guest hall. (3) |
Apple x 7 |
On table in guest hall. |
Cheese x 3 |
On table in guest hall. |
Chapel Level |
Water Arrow x 3 |
In bucket behind shrubbery W of well. |
Water Arrow |
In bucket in upstairs bathroom in Abbot's quarters. |
Rope Arrow |
Behind shield in upstairs sitting room in Abbot's quarters. |
Archive Key |
On desk in abbey court. |
Rope Arrow |
In chest on ledge outside monastery to the far E. |
Flare x 3 |
In chest under stairs leading to outside monastery to the far
E. |
Moss Arrow |
In bush on S side of well. |
Moss Arrow |
In hanging bush from wall on upper section NE of well. |
Water Arrow |
In grate by bottom of staircase E of well. |
Speed Potion |
On outside ledge on S side of west chapel. |
Rope Arrow |
In chest in chimney tower above scriptorium. |
Moss Arrow |
Behind bench in N garden. |
Water Arrow |
In bucket in plaza S of garden. |
Moss Arrow x 3 |
In chest behind staircase in plaza S of garden. |
Rope Arrow |
In hand of statue in west chapel. |
Gas Arrow |
In chest on top of ossuary. Drop from cathedral bell tower. |
Cathedral |
Closet Key |
On wall inside door from NW room to garden. |
Angry Letter |
In bucket in NW room. |
Rope Arrow |
In crate in bell tower. |
Healing Potion |
In chest behind S pillar on E balcony. |
Water Arrow |
In font in holy spring chapel. |
Moss Arrow x 2 |
In vines in inning chapel. |
SECRET LIST - by Klatremus (Expert difficulty) |
Secret 1 |
Gas arrow in chimney above guest hall. |
Secret 2 |
Open safe in Abbot's quarters. |
Secret 3 |
Candlestick in high sill in bell tower. |
Secret 4 |
Switch on statue in pillar crypt reveals loot under altar. |
Secret 5 |
Hidden balcony far above cathedral altar. Access from E roof. |
Secret 6 |
Bottle behind organ in bell tower. |
Secret 7 |
Gas arrow in chest on ossuary roof. |
Secret 8 |
Switch behind brick in underground church reveals loot. |
Secret 9 |
Switch behind altar in underground church reveals passageway
to balcony. |
Secret 10 |
Switch in scriptorium bookcase reveals history book in floor. |
Secret 11 |
Passageway from major's cell to ossuary. Frob chain on wall. |
Secret 12 |
Switch in corner by bookcase in archive room reveals hidden
study. |
Secret 13 |
Switch in fireplace at Abbot's reveals book behind display
case. |
Grand Total |
Loot: |
3000 out of 3000 |
Pickpockets: |
5 out of 5 |
Secrets: |
13 out of 13 |
Readables: |
Letter on desk in abbey court. |
Claim journal in guard house. |
paper in waste basket in Abbot's quarters. |
to chimney sweep in north crypt. |
Two books in archive. |
Journal in Morra's room. |
on table by cathedral W entrance. |
paper under desk in upper NW hallway in cathedral. |
Notice by doorway outside bell
tower. |
outside prison cells in west wing. |
Book in hidden study in
archive. |
book on high balcony above underground church. |
of the monastery in hidden compartment in scriptorium. |
Prison log. |
Lockpicks: |
Door from guard house to abbey
court. |
Door from black hole to north
crypt. |
Door to bath storage room. |
to closet storage room in cathedral. |
3 doors from aquilon to
storage room. |
Conversations: |
Guards in pillar crypt. |