THIEF'S DEN - by Fidcal
LOOT LIST - by Klatremus
Type Location & notes Value
Perils Court
Coin x 2 In pot in attic of apartment to the east. 2
Gold Vase In windowsill of apartment to the east. 120
Creep's Hideout
Purse On lantern guard in yard. (1) 50
Silver Bowl On table in dining room. 10
Gold Goblet On table in living room. 15
Bottle of Fine Wine On table in living room. 110
Bottle of Fine Wine In bucket in living room. 110
Coin Stack x 2 On living room mantelpiece. 10
Purse In shelving unit behind bags in attic. 100
Artifact In shelving unit behind bags in attic. 100
Gold Candlestick On top of shelving unit in attic. 40
Coin x 2 On stool in attic. 2
Vase On floor in attic. 75
Gold Plate In locked footlocker in attic. 105
Gold Goblet In locked footlocker in attic. 100
Trophy In locked chest in basement. 140
Statue Under lift in basement. 100
Total gold: 1189
EQUIPMENT LIST - by Klatremus
Type Location & notes
Creep's Hideout
A Silver Key On guard in living room. Unlocks chest in basement. (2) 
An Old Iron Key On table in living room. Unlocks footlocker in attic.
Letter from Shadows Bros. On cabinet in attic. Objective!
Lord Frothley's Scepter On ground in basement. Objective!
Lantern On ground in basement.
Sam's copy of the front door key In floor by front door when objectives are done.
Grand Total
Loot: 1189 out of 1189
Pickpockets: 2 out of 2